New Jersey Relay Toll-Free Numbers
and Contact Information

We’re here to help!  All services are available 24 hours a day,
7 days a week, except where noted.

Customer Relations Manager for New Jersey Relay

Lori Timney, Customer Relations Manager for NJ Relay & CapTel

Lori Timney, Customer Relations Manager for NJ Relay & CapTel, smiling

New Jersey Relay Services

TTY Relay.

A man typing on a TTY.

Standard Phone User.

A man talking on a smartphone.

voice carry over.

A smiling woman listening on a handset and reading captions on a VCO phone.


A DeafBlind man reading braille on a TeleBraille device.

Hearing Carry Over.

A man wearing a headset to listen to the other party and typing on a VCO phone.

New Jersey Speech-to-Speech Services

Speech to Speech Service.

A man holding a phone to his ear and talking.

Video Assisted Speech to Speech.

A woman in a wheelchair using a microphone connected to her telephone and a laptop with Zoom open.

New Jersey Relay Conference Captioning

Relay Conference Captioning.

A business woman reading captions of a conference call on a tablet. In the background business people are seated around a speakerphone.

Customer Profile

Support Service for TRS Customer Profile.

An open laptop showing the TRS Customer Profile webpage.

IP Relay

IP Relay Support Service.

A women participating in a phone conversation via IP Relay app on a tablet.

International Relay

Drawing of a telephone handset next to a globe.

Drawing of a telephone handset next to a globe.

If 711 does not work